Marathon Years 4 and 5 - Triathlon Years

Friday, January 30, 2009

30 Minutes Cycling on the Trainer

I cycled for 30 minutes in the garage.It was pretty chilly, but warmed up fast. My knee has been twitching all day since my workout. I'm going to do some strengthening exercises tonight. I hope it's nothing serious.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

30 Minutes Swimming

I went to the Aquatic center in the early evening. It had warmed up, but was still cold. At least the sun was still shining. I did laps for 30 minutes. The swim at your our risk program starts on Monday.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

30 Minutes Each of Cycling and Walking

I took yesterday as a total rest day. My left knee still feels a little weird, so I'm hesitant to run, instead I walked for 30 minutes and then cycled on the stationary bike for 30. It was really cold outside, even in the garage and I felt frozen when I got inside. I signed up for a 5K on the 14th.

Monday, January 26, 2009

30 Minutes Each Walking and Swimming

I was going to go swimming this morning but decided to walk instead. The weather was misty and cool. It warmd up a lot throughout the day, so when I got a break around 6:30pm, I went to the Aquatic center. There must have been something wrong with the filter system because the pool was full of leaves. After swimming for 30 minutes, I was covered with scratches from the trash.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

6 Miles in the Cold and Wind

Shelley and I left from her house in Commonwealth and walked to the University of Houston (Sugar Land Branch). We forgot that there was no buffer from the wind along University Blvd. Needless to say we froze our rears off.

Friday, January 23, 2009

A Leisurely 30 Minute Walk

Keeping in line with zero week, which is impossible to keep at zero, I took a leisurely 30 minute walk.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

30 Minutes Swimming

I decided to stay off the bike this week and rest my legs. Instead I swam for 30 minutes at the Aquatic Center.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

30 Minutes on the Stationary Bike

I probably shouldn't have cycled today, but I felt I needed to get some time in. My knee is still a little pesky.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

30 Minutes Swimming

Hal Higdon's training schedule says no training on Monday and Tuesday of zero week, even cross-training. But since I'm training for the 1/4 Iron Man on April 5th, I can't slack. I'm definitely going to wait until later in the week to ramp up my cycling, but I figured swimming couldn't hurt. So this afternoon I swam laps for 30 minutes. Tomorrow I'll do a brisk walk for about 30 to 40 minutes and see how I feel. My knees felt fine today.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Zero Week

I couldn't believe how many aches and pains I had last night and throughout the day. And then it struck me. This was the first major race where I hadn't had a massage a day or two before the race. Obviously it has made a difference. I went to the Aquatic Center and did my own version of water therapy - walking laps and bringing my knees up and down. I also stretched a lot in the water. I took an Epsom salt bath last night and again this morning. Throughout the day I wore a knee band. It's almost 9:00pm and I am feeling less sore. I hadn't felt this sore since my first marathon.I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be even better.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Houston Half Marathon - a Personal Record

Patricia, Me, Jacque, and Shelly

The weather was perfect for me, although many people compalined it was too hot. I had set and private goal of 2:57 and hadn't shared it with anyone except Stan. I stuck to my plan - run 1:00/1:00's for the first 12 miles of the race and then give it my all during the last mile. race. Except for my toes occasionally tingling, I felt really good for the first 8 miles of the race. Then my knees started to ache a bit. I took 2 Advils and by mile 10 I was feeling OK. When I got to mile 12, I ran for as long as I could and then took 15 second to 30 second walk breaks. When I got the the chute, I gave it my all and crossed the finish line with 58 seconds to spare. A personal best, sub 3 hours with a 2:56:02.

Friday, January 16, 2009

20 Minutes Swimming and a Fun Time at the Expo

Patricia, Me, Shelley and Susan
This morning it was the coldest it's been (somewhere in the 20's). It was absolutely dreadful getting out of the pool. I only swam for 20 minutes as I had to get ready to head to the Expo to get my bib (and go shopping). Shelley, Susan, Patricia and I went downtown. The Expo was smaller this year, but still lots of fun. We got a whole bunch of samples and more t-shirts (as if I don't have enough!). We had lunch at Yao's and really loaded up on carbs!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

25 Minutes Walking Leisurely

The Half Marathon is Sunday, so the training is really light this week. I should be cycling, but figured I'd wait until next week to ramp it up. I walked in the neighborhood for 25 minutes.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

45 Minutes Swimming & FBF Pasta Party

"Shopping at the Pasta Party"

Tonight was the FBF Pasta Party. Jeff Galloway was our speaker. He had some really good tips on running and recovery. Everyone was dressed very nicely and looked great. The energy was strong.
This morning's training included deocing my windshield which was iced over when I got in the car to head to the Aquatic center. As usual, the swim was fine, but the trip out of the pool was frigid. I just love swimming by time and not counting laps. I'm free to be creative. I praticed the speech (in my head of course) that I will be delivering on Friday.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

30 Minutes Stationary Cycling

I cycled for 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I was on the phone the whole time, so the session seemd to go really fast.

Monday, January 12, 2009

20 Minutes Swimming Plus Hills

It was nice to get back in a real pool. It was in the 30's this morning. I was only able to fit a 20 minute swim in.
Tonight Patricia and I did hill for 36 minutes. We're on a taper, and although we would have liked to have done more, we followed the program.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

4.5 Miles on the Treadmill

I got up just before 5:00am and went down to the fitness center. I was only able to get 4.5 miles with hills, in before I had to get ready for my meeting. I was scheduled for 6 miles, but will have to make do.

Friday, January 9, 2009

12 Minutes Swimming in a Very Cold Pool

I'm in Denver for a workshop and was very excited when I found out that the pool had a heated, indoor pool. I guess the folks in Denver have a different idea about what heat is. The temperature couldn't have been more than 72 degrees. It was also a very short pool, so I only lasted for 12 minutes.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

An Unintended Brick

I got up very early this morning intending to get to the Aquatic Center by 6:00am. Instead, I decided to do a 30 minute run. The weather was cool and my intermittent intervals left me feeling really good. I decided to get some cycling in since it was barely twilight and did 40 minutes on the stationary bike. When I finished,I figured that I might as well get a swim in, so I met Jacque at the Aquatic center and did laps for 25 minutes. I was really energized for my day when I got home, although a little hungry!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

30 Minutes Swimming in the Cold

It was in the low 40's this morning by the time I got to the Aquatic Center, but at least the sun was shining. I swam for 30 minutes while pushing my speed.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

30 Minutes of Walking and Swimming

I had intended to swim after my networking meeting, but things kept coming up and besides itwas rainy and cold. The weather cleared by late afternoon and the sun came out, but I still wasn't able to make it outside. Finally, after dinner, I went for a very brisk 30 minute walk -I would guess about a 14 minute mile. When I got home I cycled in place for 30 minutes. I had my tires changed out today and completely forgot to adjust the tension on the trainer. I felt pretty silly once I figured out what the problem was.

Monday, January 5, 2009

20 Minutes Swimming

Jacque and I met at the Aquatic Center and swam for 20 minutes. It in the mid 40's and overcast. The swim was comfortable, but the exit from the water was miserable.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

30 Minutes on the Stationary Bike

I did 30 minutes of intense cycling in place. I read a book and the time went really fast. I've decided to get new tires for my bike instead of buying a new one. I've spoken to several people who have changed their mountain bike tires to slicker ones and had great success riding long distances -even in the MS 150. So, I think it will work for 26 miles.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A 20 Minute Swim and a Run to the Post Office

I've been fighting a cold, an although the Zicam swabs have helped to keep it at bay, I decided to take a rest day yesterday. The weather today has been like a summer day with morning temperatures in the low 70's and midday in the low 80's. I cut my swimming to only 20 minutes this morning. I decided to literally run to the post office, so I did 1:00/:30 intervals there and back. The total trip, with traffic lights took 38 minutes.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

8 Miles in the Park and a Latte

What a great way to start the New Year! I met Shelley and Jacque at Oyster Creek park this morning at 7:30am and we did our long run - 8 miles. We walked at a pretty fast pace. The time zipped by as there was never a moment without great conversation. We drove over to Starbucks when we were done and enjoyed a warm cup of coffee. We spotted Pat and Toni and had them join us for a chat.