Marathon Years 4 and 5 - Triathlon Years

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Swimming and Hills

I was looking through some old photos and came across this one from September 2004. The name was mountain, and when I opened it, I wondered if I had been referring to myself. I can't believe that I was ever that heavy. I'll keep it around so that it can be a great motivator for me.

Tonight I met Jacque at the Aquatic Center and we did laps for 20 minutes. The pool was set for 25 yards instead of 50 meters. My speed has definitely increased since I've been using the Aqua Vee, but I could definitely feel the difference between stationary and regular swimming. Later tonight, Patricia and I did hills for 35 minutes, I can't believe that the NY Marathon is just 4 days away. the weather report is showing a mostly sunny day with a low of 38 and a high of 48.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

30 Minutes Walking

Yesterday was a complete rest day. I soaked in a warm Epsom Salt bath last night and felt really good when I woke up. I went for a leisurely walk around the lake. the geese were there but didn't attack.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Houston Half Marathon

I was scheduled for an 8 mile training this weekend and was on the fence as to whether or not it was wise to do this race. But it's one of my favorite races and I really wanted the finishers' shirt and was determined to get it.

This was Patricia's first half marathon. It was still dark when the race started as you can see by the photo of the two of us.

It was a 3 loop race, starting out into downtown for a few blocks and then west out Allen Parkway. The starting route was changed this year and much improved. I began the race by walking with some people from Katy Fit, but fell behind when I took a potty break. I ran to catch up with them and then started to fee a pull at my left leg IT band. I was going to call it quits after Loop 2, but just couldn't. I stretched a little and felt better, so I continued on. The shirt and medal kept calling to me, and besides, I'm not a quitter. I felt pretty good by the time I made it to the finish line. Our hill training really paid off. Patricia finished in 2:18. My time was 3:16.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Most Invigorating Swim

I took the plunge today- went in the pool at 72 degrees. The sun was shining and it was warm outside, so I thought I'd give it a go. It took about 2 minutes for the my skin to quit tingling - I figured it was how frostbite felt.Once I adjusted to the temperature, my swim was the most envigorating that I have experienced. When I got out of the pool after 20 minutes, I felt a little light headed. After a warm shower, I felt energized.

Friday, October 24, 2008

20 Minutes Running Intermittent Intervals

Yesterday was a complete rest day. I would have gone swimming but the water temperature was in the low 70's. This morning the water was 64 degrees. I was going to walk, but wound up running intermittent intervals. When I was on my loop back by the lake those pesky geese appeared. I hadn't taken my water bottle with me since I was on a short walk. I had to dart really fast to get away from them since I couldn't squirt them. I felt a pull in my side, but was OK until I got home. Then I started to have shooting pains on my right side and hip. I took two ibuprofen and did some stretches. I soaked in the hot tub tonight. I'll take it easy tomorrow so that I can do the half marathon on Sunday. I'm hoping that all will be well, especially since NY is just 8 days away.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Swimming and Hills

I was all set to swim at the Aquatic Center yesterday morning, but when I got there the lanes were set at the shorter distance and most of the pool was covered. I asked the lifeguard why and was told that they hadn't turned the heater on yet and were trying to keep the water warmer - the temperature was 77. I decided that rather than hassle with changing into my suit that I would go home to swim in my pool which had been registering a 75 degree temperature. But when I got home, it was 71. So I skipped yesterday's swim. At lunch time the pool temperature read 74, so I took the plunge and swam for 15 minutes. It sure felt colder, but I survived.
Then, tonight, Patricia and I did hills again. This time we went back to our first location and walked for 50 minutes.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One Hours of Hills

New York is less than 2 weeks away and I'm getting pretty nervous about the hills. The Verrazano Narrows bridge is the steepest part of the race and located at the first half mile.I decided I needed to ramp up my hill training, so Patricia and went to the parking garage and walked up and down for 1 hour. We trued a different garage since the one we were visiting had cigar smoke venting into the first level. Tonight, we were bombarded by oil based paint instead that was wafting from the construction site next door.

Monday, October 20, 2008

30 Minutes Walking

The weather was crisp and clear. I ran a little, but mostly walked. The tops of my feet are feeling a bit strained, so I want to watch it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

15 Minutes Swimming

The pool water temperature keeps dropping. It was 74 degrees at 5:00pm. I got really tired after only 15 minutes and then realized I'd forgotten to eat lunch. I wanted to swim longer but was truly out of energy.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

12 Miles in the Park

This was the beginning of our taper. Steve and I met at 5:30am and walked Oyster Creek Park. The weather was crisp and cool.We left the park in the middle of our second loop because there was a 5K race going on and we didn't want to get in the way. We exited through Lost Creek Park and walked through the neighborhood and around to the entrance on Lexington. The race was tapering off when we re-entered the park.We finished our training with clear skies and cool weather.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

30 Minutes With a Little Running

I thought it had stopped raining, but it was drizzling and chilly went I got out. I had dressed for summer and was a little cold, but ran intermittently and warmed up quickly.I got a little wet,but it felt good.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

30 Minutes Walking

I debated about walking this morning. I thought my decision was made when it started pouring down rain early this morning. But it cleared for a little while and I took advantage, walking around the neighborhood for 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

15 Minutes Swimming and Hills

I was pretty tired after our 20 miler on Sunday so I made yesterday was a complete rest day. I had a date with Patricia to do hills tonight, but I wanted to get some swimming in. It rained all morning and finally cleared up in the late afternoon, so I swam for 15 minutes. The water was still chilly.
Patricia and I went to the parking garage and did hills for an hour. We walked briskly except for a very tiny bit of running. We kept smelling cigar smoke and couldn't imangine who was smoking until we realized that it was coming from the new cigar bar that opened on the North side of the parking garage. I guess we'll have to find some other hills.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

20 Miles in the Park and Now the Taper Begins

Steve and I met at 4:30am at Oyster Creek Park. As we were completing our 2nd loop, we noticed that a line a cars and SUVs was assembling in the stretch before the park joins Lost Creek. They were waiting for the Cherry Pickers to arrive. We were able to maneuver around them for the most part but decided at one point to go outside the park, up Dulles and back in on the Lexington side. We hadn't realized that that route was still covered with mud and debris. We reentered the park and circled back towards the entrance, but as we were making our last loop, the route was blocked. We relied on Steve's GPS to track our mileage and were thankful to finally reach 20 miles. We rewarded ourselves with Iced Lattes at Starbucks.
Now the taper begins. I'm so glad to have this 20 miler behind me. It's 12 miles next weekend and 8 miles the next (although I'm going to do the Houston Half on the 26th instead) and the on to NY.

Friday, October 10, 2008

20 Minutes Swimming

The pool water just keeps getting cooler. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to handle it. I did 20 minutes with the AV. It was a caomdey of errors. At first, I had my goggles on upside down. It took me a few minutes to figure that out what was wrong.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

One Hour Walking

The wonderful weather made it very easy to extend my time this morning. I also listened to a podcast that keep my attention.I'm trying to get some extra mileage in this week to compliment our 20 miler this weekend.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

40 Minutes Walking Briskly

The weather was terrific this morning. I had to wear long pants and longsleeves. I walked brisjly for 40 minutes, enjoying the fall weather.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

20 Minutes Swimming

The temperature has cooled - into the 60's and 70's. The water temperature has dropped, too. The thermosat said 77, but it felt arctic. I swam for 20 minutes with the Aqua Vee.

Monday, October 6, 2008

35 Minutes Walking plus 45 Minutes of Hills

It was like summer again this morning-really hot. I walked for 35 minutes at a moderate pace. I received my NY race packet this weekend and realized that I had better start doing some serious hill training if I wanted to make it over the Verrazano-Narrows bridge! It's the biggest hill and is right at the beginning of the race with an elevation of 260 feet. The highest "peak" in the Houston race is 75 feet.
So in light of my revelation, Patricia and I did hills tonight for an hour. We concentrated on the ramps and avoided the flats.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

15 Minutes Swimming

I swam with the Aqua Vee for 15 minutes. The water was pretty chilly, but as always it "warmed up" after just a few minutes. It won't be long before it will be too cold to swim. I guess it will be back to the Aquatic Center.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

14 Miles in Oyster Creek

Steve and I met at 5:30am and walked 14 miles in the park. The weather was cool but it warmed up considerably by the time the sun came out. It amazes me that no matter how long or short the mileage is, the last few miles always seem the longest and hardest.

Friday, October 3, 2008

30 Minutes Walking Briskly

I debated about training today since tomorrow is a 14 mile training. I decided it was better to have had 3 trainings. I walked briskly for 30 mintues.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

20 Minutes Swimming

The water temperature in the pool was 73 degrees, but I was determined to swim. I also convinced myself that the cool water would help ease the headache I've had since Tuesday afternoon. I'm hoping that it's hormonal and not the turmeric that I've been taking, because it's realy helped eliminate my back pain.
I swam for 20 minutes. Luckily, my body adjusted to the cool water after about 2 or three minutes. And, yes, it helped my head.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

40 Minutes Walking

There weather was crisp and cool, plus the paths were clear of debris. Even the geese were cooperative this morning! I walked for 40 minutes today, enjoying the clear air and fabulous weather.