Marathon Years 4 and 5 - Triathlon Years

Monday, March 22, 2010

Seabrook Lucky Trails - my slowest Half ever

Patricia, Shelley and I did the Seabrook Luck Trails half yesterday. I really wasn't as ready as I should have been and my screaming calves were a constant reminder. Although I did an 8 miler last weekend and an hour of hills in between 30 minute trainings last week, I really should have had a 10 miler in there, somewhere.
It was 38 degrees when the race started. Although the sun came out, the winds picked up and caused it to stay cold. The race was great and it was nice to be with friends. I had a 15 minute leg massage and stretching right after the race that really paid off today. I woke up with no stiffness.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Seabrook is Next Week!

I haven't exactly been a slug but my training has been very inconsistent. I have done the following since last post:1 hour of hills on 2-20, then 4 miles on the 28th and 6 mles on the 7th. I need to do at least an 8 miler this coming weekend. Since Seabrook is mostly trails, I'm hoping it will be an easy race.
I signed up for the Memorial Hermann Tri that is scheduled for June 27th and that means I need to get some cycling in starting very soon.