Marathon Years 4 and 5 - Triathlon Years

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My 4th TRI - Memorial Hermann

I had a PR today. Finished the race in 1:36:33 rather than the 1:50:04 of last year. My swim went really well, but I got a little hung up in the transition area after it. The weather was extremely hot. Patricia and Robert, my recruits into the cult, did really well.
Robert, Me and Patricia before the race
On my bike
Almost done!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Taper Week

I made it to the pool 3 times and out for light walks twice. Only got on the bike once, which may haunt me tomorrow. Patricia and I did dry run of the second half of the run course this morning. We are ready!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

30 Minutes in the Stationary Bike

I got up extra early this morning and visited the Gym. I cycled for 30 minutes.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

1 Hour and 40 Minutes Walking

I'm in Denver this weekend and don't anticipate too may opportunities for exercise. Since my activities didn't start until tonight, I took a long walk in the early afternoon. The weather started out nice, in the high 60's but by the time I finished it was hot and in the low 80's. I tried to run some, but with the high altitude and my banged up leg from my fall, I stuck to walking.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A More Active Week

I have managed to do something every day this week. I swam for 20 minutes on Monday, biked for 40 minutes yesterday and walked for 40 minutes today. I would have preferred to run this morning, but since I fell off my new bike twice yesterday, I'm a little banged up. I had some challenges adding air to my tires and lost all of the air after I mounted my bike. I promptly fell off because I haven't gotten used to the new cages. After I refilled the tire, before I discovered that I had a broken valve stem, it happened again. I carried my bike to Bike Route where they got me fixed up in time to finish my bike ride with Patricia.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Week of Mixed Activity

I've lost my focus a bit, yet I am determined to stay on course. This past week included more gaps than I would have liked. I swam for 20 minutes on Monday (8th) and ran for 35 minutes and swam for 20 minutes on Wednesday (10th). On Thursday, Robert, Patricia and I drove the TRI bike course and then swam laps at the Aquatic Center. It was Robert's first time in a 50 meter pool. I think he was shocked at how much longer it was than where he had been training. I had a migraine from Friday to Sunday, so my long workouts didn't happen as planned. Saturday included just a 15 minute swim and Sunday, a one hour walk.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

1 Hour Cycling and 15 minutes Swimming

This morning Patricia and I volunteered at the Texas Tri. She had not seen a Tri in action and since this was where I had my first glimpse at transition area, I thought it would be a good experience for her. We worked the In/Out for the bike segment and it was wild! When I got home I cycled for an hour on the stationery bike. Later in the day, we went to the neighborhood pool to swim laps (the Aquatic Center is closed on Sunday)and did 15 minutes worth.
Tomorrow is a new day and a new week.

I plotted our my marathon training and it will begin officially on July 4th weekend.
In the meantime I'll be getting ready for the sprint Tri on June 28th.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

New York Marathon and Catching Up

The past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind. I got very little "long" trainings in on the weekends as I had commitments that left me no time nor energy. My goal is to get back on a strict schedule, especially since I got into the New York Marathon by way of the lottery.
Here's a recap of what I have accomplished since last post:
I ran for 30 minutes on Wednesday and Thursday, May 27th and 28th. My sessions were mostly running, my speed was faster!I only go to do 15 minutes of stretching in the pool on Friday, the 30th. In an attempt to get back on program, I swam for 30 minutes on Monday, ran for 30 minutes on Tuesday, did a mini-brick on Wednesday, cycling for 30 minutes and walking for 15 and the swam for 15 minutes on Thursday.
I did nothing on Friday or Today.