Marathon Years 4 and 5 - Triathlon Years

Sunday, July 18, 2010

2 Weeks of Recovery

The day after the 5K, my leg and knee started hurting. Patricia and I did hills on that following Tuesday, and I felt a tugging. As the week progressed it got worse, so I only swam a few times, but didn't walk or run. Over the weekend, I dropped a lockbox on my foot and although it didn't hurt right away, I was in pain the next day and was limping for almost a week. So between my knee and my foot, I decided to rest. I only did a slow walk on Monday for 30 minutes and then swam 3 times this past week. The rest has helped and today it is feeling much better. I will start my routine tomorrow. I've also gained about 10 pounds, so I know there is a correlation between exercise and wait loss/gain!