Marathon Years 4 and 5 - Triathlon Years

Thursday, April 29, 2010

20 Minutes of Swimming

It felt good to get back in the pool. It had been over a week since I'd been swimming. I haven't ridden my bike since my last TRI which was in late August, so tomorrow is the day.

First Real Break Ever - And It Shows ;-(

It's been a little over a month since I've consistently trained, and it shows. I've managed a swim here and there and long runs every weekend except this past weekend. I've gained about 12 pounds and feel miserable. My distractions with Toastmaster activities that had very strong deadlines are past and now I have NO EXCUSES.
Today is going to be the FIRST day of being serious,with exercise, eating and blogging. I have a TRI on June 28th and I must get ready!

I'll be back..............................