Marathon Years 4 and 5 - Triathlon Years

Sunday, March 30, 2008

20 Minutes in the Pool

Our pool temperature got up to 77, so I thought I'd try it out this afternoon. I kept telling myself that it was like pulling off a bandage - you have to do it quickly to get past the hurt. I jumped in and after the initial shock wore off, it was fine. The pool is oval shaped and not very good for laps, so I swam in ovals for 20 minutes (with some stationary arm circles and leg kicks in between). I'm planning to go to the Aquatic Center in the morning and do some real laps.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

40 Minute Bike Ride at Lunch

It was really hot at lunch time today. I wore long pants that I had to role up to avoid hooking on the pedals and a short sleeve tech shirt. It was also pretty windy. But I got my 40 minutes in - just have to figure out how to get my swim time logged. I really have to break down and get a pair of bike shorts. My butt will be forever grateful.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

30 Minutes walking

Tuesday was a rest day. I really need it - my muscles were very sore from the swim and exercise on Monday. I walked for 30 minutes today, and will get my bike ride in during the afternoon.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Swimming is Going to Be My Biggest Challenge

I went to the Aquatic Center this morning with the intention of doing laps for 20 to 30 minutes. I lasted about 10. I guess I will just need to ease into it, too.My current training schedule calls for 2 sets of swimming the first two weeks, but that's based on 20 to 30 minutes, so I guess I will need to do more, shorter intervals until I build up my strength. I know my form is not the best, so I will have to work on that, too. I spent about 10 minutes in the water doing resistance exercises against the pool wall. The good news is that I was able to get out of the pool without killing myself- a very a big accomplishment for me.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Brick?

This morning I rode 40 minutes (what is actually on the schedule!) and then walked 1 mile right after. Besides an achy butt, I had doubts that my legs would hold me. They were like noodles. I now see the wisdom of doing "bricks". I plan to swim in the morning and follow my plan for the week now that I am feeling better.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

20 Minutes on the Bike

This morning I did 20 minutes on the bike. I know it's not much, but I figured it's better than nothing. My plan is to ease into it.I have been doing a little bit of upper body weights and push ups. I figure my biggest hurdle is going to be getting out of the pool!

Friday, March 21, 2008

30 Minutes Walking and a Very Little Riding

Today was the first day that I really felt physically good. It's taken a while to recover from this last bought of the flu. Thanks to the help of a Naturapath, Donna, I am on the road to recovery.
I thought I would try some cycling this morning, so I got I my bike. I only rode for about 15 minutes before the smells of the flowering bushes got to me. I thought about riding out to the high school parking lot, but decided to wait until tomorrow. I did get 30 minutes of walking in, though.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tonight is the Night

Last Tuesday I got hit with another variation of the flu, this time the stomach version. It came out of nowhere and knocked me out with a fever, upset stomach and headache. The fever went away within 24 hours, but I have been too weak to get my tri training going. Tonight, though, I am going to chart my course and make a plan!

Monday, March 10, 2008

40 Minutes in the Neighborhood

Things have not been going as planned. I had a pretty hectic week, only getting out once. I had also hoped to get my training plan set this past weekend, but didn't manage that either. Obviously, falling off my routine has not been a good thing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

30 Minutes

This morning I walked for 30 minutes in the neighborhood. This weekend I'm going to map out my strategy for my tri-training.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

No Rodeo Run Yesterday

I didn't make it to the Rodeo Run. I had decided late in the day that I would do something else that morning. When I woke up Saturday, I had no energy, so it must have been the right decision. I can't believe how many charitable donations I've wound up making since November, with un-run races. Early on, it never would have been a consideration. I've decided that I will not sign up for any race for a while until the last minute (except for the Women's Tri and NYC).

This morning I walked for one hour in the neighborhood. Not quite the long walks I'm used to, but I'm considering this my break until I ramp up Training for the Tri.