Marathon Years 4 and 5 - Triathlon Years

Monday, December 28, 2009

Still on Track

As I continued on the elimination diet these past 2 weeks, my trainings became a little difficult because I was not consuming very many carbs. I swam and walked twice, including a 6 miler on the 20th. Last week I got in 4 miler, a 6 miler and hills. I had a pleasant surprise during my one swim last week - the Aquatic center was set up Olympic style. Since the weather has been really cold, I haven't been brave enough to swim again. Yesterday was an 8.5 miler with a 10 miler scheduled for next weekend. On the diet front, I did stay on the elimination diet until Christmas Eve when we went out for Chinese food at my favorite Chinese restaurant, Yao. 17 pounds lost in 17 days and no headaches, no swelling, nor achy joints. I felt a bit weak on my long runs, but otherwise terrific. I'm back on a modified version of the diet and hope to keep the weight and headaches away.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Back on My Elimination Diet

My diet has not been what it should, and had resulted in a 10 pound gain. Several of my original symptoms returned - stiff joints,back pain and intermittent migraines. So I started back on the elimination diet on which I lost 55 pounds, 5 years ago. It's pretty severe, but works amazingly. Monday was the first day and unfortunately the caffeine withdrawal from going off coffee cold turkey caused a 2 day headache followed by a migraine. But all is well now. As of today, I have lost 12 pounds and feel like a new person. It's amazing, but I am still convinced that the "white stuff" (sugar, starch, dairy, etc)acts like glue and causes the weight to stick. The plan is to stay on the diet for at least another week or so. We'll see how it goes.
On the training front,I swam for 20 minutes on Tuesday, and ran 30 minutes on Wednesday and Thursday. I volunteered at the 30K on Sunday, so my long walk of 6 miles was pushed to today. It turned out to be only 5.25, but it was a great walk in the rain.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Little Late with My Posting

The last few weeks have been a blur between a Toastmasters Fall Conference, Thanksgiving and Post-Thanksgiving. I did manage to get my trainings in, although scattered an not on the usual days. My long run was 5 miles on Monday, November 23rd, and then on Thanksgiving, I did the Turkey Trot 5 Miler in Sugar Land. The Sunday after Thanksgiving and this past Sunday were both 6 milers.
I made three major decisions during these past few weeks- 1. To start swimming again (I've done 3 20 minute swims since last post)2. To drop down from the Full to the Houston Half Marathon on January 17th and 3. To start back on my elimination diet.
Number 3 is the biggie. I really have not been watching myself the past 6 months, and although I have given up the "white stuff" (sugar, flour and processed foods) from time to time, it has only been temporary. This time I am going to be true to diet and follow it closely. So many of the symptoms that had disappeared early on have returned - achy joints, water retention and lower back pain. I am ready to feel good again.
Today was my first day back on the diet. I had a dull headache from going off coffee cold turkey. I did not take any of my vitamins or herbs and have just eaten the basics - some lamb, yams, orange roughy, spinach and a little melon. I'm looking forward to the transformation.