The Houston Half Marathon - a Personal Record
Patricia, Me, Jacque, and Shelly
The weather was perfect for me, although many people compalined it was too hot. I had set and private goal of 2:57 and hadn't shared it with anyone except Stan. I stuck to my plan - run 1:00/1:00's for the first 12 miles of the race and then give it my all during the last mile. race. Except for my toes occasionally tingling, I felt really good for the first 8 miles of the race. Then my knees started to ache a bit. I took 2 Advils and by mile 10 I was feeling OK. When I got to mile 12, I ran for as long as I could and then took 15 second to 30 second walk breaks. When I got the the chute, I gave it my all and crossed the finish line with 58 seconds to spare. A personal best, sub 3 hours with a 2:56:02.
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