Marathon Years 4 and 5 - Triathlon Years

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1 hour Cycling and 45 Minutes of Hills

This morning I cycled on the trainer for 1 hour. I watched morning TV, which I never do. Tonight Patricia and I did hills for 45 minutes. I can't believe the race is just a few days away. I hope the weather improves.

Monday, March 30, 2009

20 Minute Swim

This is a taper week, although I inadvertenly tapered last week. I did a 20 minute easy swim at the Aquatic Center.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Open Water Swim Clinic

Here we are before the swim - notice how the palms are swaying!

This morning, Rita, James, Jannelle and I attended an Open Water Swim clinic at Moody Gardens. It was led by the Galveston Beach Patrol. The weather was cold and windy, but the sun was shining. We started out hearing a lecture about open water swimming, including how to site the buoys, the best way to breathe in choppy water and what to expect as far as marine life activity. The water temperature was in the mid 60's and very choppy from the wind. We were prepared to freeze. The course they set out was rectangular and measured just under 500 meters. The water actually felt good, much to my surprise. After navigating around a bunch of rocks, I started my swim and was very pleased with the results. I forgot to set my stopwatch, so I don't know what my time was, but I believe it only took 10 minutes to swim 500 meters. I did 3 laps, 1500 meters. My face and lips were numb from the cold when I got out of the water, but otherwise I felt fine. I feel very confident about next week's swim. Thank you Galveston Beach Patrol!
Here we are getting ready to brave the water...


Thursday, March 26, 2009

One hour of Hills

Tonight, Patricia and I did hills in the Town Center garage. It had been about a month since we had done them. I could feel a little bit of a strain, but it felt good to use those muscles again. I hope I get my bike back tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

30 Minutes Swimming

This morning I swam at the Aquatic Center for 30 minutes. I'm really frustrated that my bike is still in the shop and won't be ready until some time on Friday. I have no training alternative.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

30 Minutes Mostly Running

I ran for 30 minutes during lunch. It was very muggy as it had just rained. My bike needs more repairs then I had anticipated. I really hate to put more money into it but I'm not ready to commit to a road bike, yet.

Monday, March 23, 2009

35 Minutes Swimming and Attendance at a Bike Repair Clinic

This morning I swam at the Aquatic center for 35 minutes. I think they forgot to turn the heater back on. It was a drastic contrast to the Y.
Tonight I attended a bike repair clinic at Bike World and learned how to change a tire. Hopefully I won't have to test my skills.
I did discover that my derailleur is messed up and in need repair.I hope I my bike back soon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

2 Hours on the Trainer and a 5 Minute Run

When I got up this morning I was very tired and had a headache. I decided not to do the Tour. Instead, I slept longer and then did 2 hours on the trainer watching the Spinervals 100. It was pretty intense and I'm pretty sure I did at least 28 miles. I darted outside and ran/walked for 5 minutes after the session. My legs felt great. I'm excited because I know I can do this 1/4 Ironman. Just one more long ride this week and I'll be set.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

12 Miles and a Short Run

I was not the only Newbie this morning! We left from Sugar Land Memorial Park and rode all the way down Commonwealth to Austin Park and back. It was very foggy and cool. I really wasn't dressed as warm as I should have been. The fog made everything wet, including my helmet. My eyelashes had rivulets of water on them. I adjusted to the temperature but not the wind. It was a challenge, especially since the traffic was going way too fast for the weather and the drivers were scaring me.
After the ride, I ran for 10 minutes. I would have run longer, but I had to get ready for a Toastmasters presentation at 10:30am.
A lot of people are doing the Tour de Hosuton bike ride tomorrow. I'm debating about whether or not to go. I'm not thrilled about getting up at 4:30am.

Friday, March 20, 2009

30 Minutes Swimming

Yesterday was a total rest day. I swam for 30 minutes at the Y again today. Tomorrow is another newbie ride from SLMP.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

20 Minutes Swimming and a Brick in the Evening

This morning I swam at the Y for 20 minutes. I'm grateful to be able to use the pool there this week, but it's hard to get used to the hot water. This evening I got to Sugar Land Memorial Park at 6:15pm for the newbie ride. Turned out I was the only newbie. I was chatting with Jannelle, who is training for the Half Ironman in New Orleans on April 5th, and discovered that my race swim should only take about 30 minutes. It's 1000 meters, which is 20 laps in the 50 meter pool. I'm very excited about this as I now have more time for the cycling leg and may even finish in a respectable time. We did 3 laps on University Blvd. The wind was really strong. Pam F. stayed with me as I was the slowest of the group. I did get my speed up to an average of 14 mph, so that is a vast improvement for me. After the ride, I ran for 15 minutes.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One Hour on the Trainer

I cycled for one hour on the trainer. I'm excited to go on the Newbie ride tomorrow from Sugar Land Memmorial Park.

Monday, March 16, 2009

30 Minutes Swimming and 3 Miles Running

I met Jacque and Shelley at the Y and swam for 30 minutes while they worked out in the gym. The pool was a lot warmer than I'm used to. I decided to run to the Post Office this afternoon instead of taking the car. It was a 3 mile there and back route.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

3 Mileas on the Treadmill

It was cold and rainy this morning, so I walked/ran on the treadmill for 3 miles. I would have prefered to be outside. At least I did it!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Trial Swim in My New Wetsuit plus 30 minutes Cycling

It was in the 40's this afternoon - great weather in which to try out my new Rocket Science wetsuit.I jumped in the pool and came shooting straight up. I has no idea how bouyant the suit was. I started my laps and much to my surprise, my speed increased. I had been averaging 35 to 40 seconds per 25 foot lap. I did my firat lap in 25 seconds! For the entire 30 minutes that I swam, my lap times were 30 seconds or less. The suit was fairly comfotable, although I think I should have worked harder to pull the legs up and make sure there was no gap at the crotch. When I took my suit off, my tri suit, which I wore underneath was wet. I don't think that was supposed to happen.

When I got home, I changed and then cycled on the trainer for 30 minutes.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

35 Minutes Cycling and 15 Minutes Running

I cycled on the trainer for 35 minutes and then got on the treadmill for 15 minutes. I'm feeling better about my upcoming race. I figure that I should be able to finish the swim and ride within the 5 hour time limit. So the worst that would happen is being on the road when the course closes - been there and done that in New York. It's not what I want, but at least I have things in perspective. I intend to finish the the swim and bike ride in under 5 hours for sure. We'll see if I can do the whole thing in the time allotted.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One Hour Swimming

I swam at the Aquatic Center for one hour. About 45 minutes into the swim, my right foot started cramping.It was very painful. I acted as though I was in the open water and tried to rub it while I was on my back. It finally went away. I did some research and discovered that it happens mostly during long pool swims from pushing off the wall so much. Hopefully it doesn't happen in the open water.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

1 Hour Cycling

I made yesterday a rest day. I cycled on the trainer for one hour. I watched the last episode of Bones, so the time seemed to pass quickly.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

35 Minutes on the Cycle

I woke up with a migraine. I think between the travel, my irregular eating habits and Daylight Saving time, it all got to me. I waited until late in the day to go on the trainer. It was very hot in the garage, so I only lasted 35 minutes.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

30 Minutes Swimming at the Aquatic Center

Patricia and I went to the Aquatic Center around 5:00pm. There were a number of lanes filled. We swam for 30 minutes. It was great to have clean air again!

Friday, March 6, 2009

30 Minutes Cycling

We head back home tonight. I was able to get 30 minutes of cycling in this morning while we were still at the hotel.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

One Hour on the Stationary Bike

I cycled for 1 hour in the fitness center. This afternoon we walking up and down the strip.I haven't had a chance to map the distance, but I know it must have been at least 3 miles.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

30 Minutes Swimming

I swam for 30 minutes in the lap pool. There weren't as many people smoking by it today.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

30 Minutes Cycling and #0+ Minutes Walking

I cycled for 30 Minutes at the fitness center. The treadmills were full, so I walked up and down the bridges that link the hotel to the convention center for 30 minutes. Of course, we probably walked a few miles going back and forth between the various meeting rooms (but I'm not counting those). Hopefully my actovity will keep the pounds off.

Monday, March 2, 2009

A Brick

Our convention didn't start until the evening, so I was able to get some trainig in. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the cycle and 30 minutes in the pool. The only problem with the pool swim was the smokers at each end. When I came up for a breath, I got second hand smoke with it. Yuk - that's Las Vegas!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

30 minutes Cycling

I surprised myself and did 30 minutes on the stationary bike this morning. I watched my new Spinervals DVD and had trouble figuring out a lot of the terminology, let alone keeping up the pace. I'm hoping this will increase my speed.