Memorial Hermann TRI 6-27-10

The last few weeks have been a real challenge. My shoulder and neck started hurting and it seemed that nothing would help. I tried massage, chiropractic adjustments, Epsom salt baths and hot and cold compresses. I couldn't train on the bike or swim. I just walked whenever I could. My weekend long runs were 4 miles. On the 17th, the pain finally went away and I was able to both ride and swim. I did 55 minutes on my stationary bike and swam a few times. Then it was decision time. Do I taper (which I had already done by missing almost 3 weeks of training), or keep at it. I decided that if I was going to injure myself, it would be better to do it as a result of the race than to do it by over training. I guess I made the right decision because I had a pretty good race considering. I finished #655 out of #688, finishing in 1:42:38.