Still on Track
As I continued on the elimination diet these past 2 weeks, my trainings became a little difficult because I was not consuming very many carbs. I swam and walked twice, including a 6 miler on the 20th. Last week I got in 4 miler, a 6 miler and hills. I had a pleasant surprise during my one swim last week - the Aquatic center was set up Olympic style. Since the weather has been really cold, I haven't been brave enough to swim again. Yesterday was an 8.5 miler with a 10 miler scheduled for next weekend. On the diet front, I did stay on the elimination diet until Christmas Eve when we went out for Chinese food at my favorite Chinese restaurant, Yao. 17 pounds lost in 17 days and no headaches, no swelling, nor achy joints. I felt a bit weak on my long runs, but otherwise terrific. I'm back on a modified version of the diet and hope to keep the weight and headaches away.